Thursday, January 24, 2008

undress ur personality

i found a (what i thought was) very interesting study by Psychiatrist Dr.Frank Caprio reveals our personalities through the way we undress! read on and tell me if it you find it fits:

.*.HAPHAZARD UNDRESS.*.If you throw your clothes all over the house , you are a friendly, life-of-the-party type. You are free with the thoughts and opinions, not caring much about the others think of you ..

*.METICULOUS UNDRESS.*.If you remove each piece of clothing and put it away carefully, you are a serious person who likes life very clam. You are comfortable with routine, and you believe that the best way to deal with life's problem is to prevent them in first place ..

*.SHOES AND SOCKS FIRST UNDRESS.*.If you take off the shirt, and ten minutes later get around to the pants, you extremely selfconfident, intellectual, a deep thinker, and don't like to be hassled. Usually you like alot of free time for yourself ..

*.SLOW UNDRESS.*.You are perfectionist, very shy, observant, dependable, intense, and think before making decisions. You go about you tasks methodically, with conectration. You know how to pay attention ..

*.FAST UNDRESS .*.If you get out of your clothes as quickly as possible, you are concerned about others and what they expect from you, but you're worried about your own needs. You are family-oriented, and stay extremely busy ..

*.JEWELRY OFF FIRST UNDRESS.*.If you take off your rings, watch, etc., before anything else, you are warm, thoughful, sensitive, and romantic.

*.NEVER THE SAME WAY UNDRESS.*.If you never do it the same way twice, you a very curious, interesting person, and you enjoy a broad range of activities. You take risks and enjoy fun and adventure.


Dreamer said...

LOL this is really funny damdom thanks sweets :p

I really 3anjad take off my top first and wander round the house in the pants a while before i get to taking them off. I never gave that a thought before tho! It's interesting how these gestures or habits get interpreted..quite convincignly too :O

Marvin said...

That's funny. I just do it fast. People are waiting on me. ;-)

Hani Obaid said...

I'm one of the fast undressers too, but the descriptions read like a horoscope.

Adoosh said...

mmm.. I'm the jewelery first (watch, glasses, etc) and fast undresser :D
Does that give me the advantages of both types wella only the intersection of them Dr?

Anonymous said...

jewlery off first. There are things that we just dont realize ourselves doing. It's interesting to hit the spotlights on.

Anonymous said...

Am both a fast undresser and a meticulous one..
ya3ni I come home, undress, put everything away nobody knows I was even out loool

I love these types of studies :)

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

pru: lol ya wase2 ;) u do 'sound' confident so i wont argue with the discription :D

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

marv: u have no time to waste eh? :D

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

hani: so u take them descriptions with a pinch of salt?

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

adoosh: and it labels u as a schizophrenic too :P

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

batoul: ana kaman, jewelry off first, then all hell breaks loose lol im a haphazard undresser :D

u know, up til i came across the study, i dint pay attention but then i read it and i was like 'what do i do first!' i had to reenact in my mind what i do when i get home.. its weird how we r somehow conditioned, just like mice! lol

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

noura: first, welcome to my new corner :)

sneaky one rnt u? lol i love those tests too, anything human-behavior-ish is gr8! we r indeed a very interesting species :)

Mais said...

I'm the "JEWELRY OFF FIRST" as well, sometimes i start taking off my watch and earrings while i'm still in the lift :D

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

mayous: reminds me of my dad lol he wud lose the tie and unbutton a few shirt buttons before even getting into the house! lol

sha3b 3awez ye2la3 w 5alas :D

Dino$ said...

i am all the above! all depends on my mood and if im late to work ! bas ijmaaaalan ana bakarkib il dinya :P

hehe damdam wa7chani

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

dindandon :D enti kaman bannout :hug:

howeh i am sure innek the never-the-same-way-twice type of person, judging from ur character ;) bless u and urs girl

Qabbani said...

Hello , u back :D nice nice

are u same person or there's something changed :p

PŕōuđPāŀĩ said...

qabbani: innaha ana, verbal alchemy.. bas bi look jdeed :D
